News — broadfork
Broadfork Season
Posted by David Grau on
Broadfork Season is upon us! Working up new ground for a garden with our broadfork is a pleasant way to spend some time outdoors while listening to the birds. We had a chance to get out the broadfork to work up some soil in our trial garden.
Planning a Small Herb Garden
Posted by David Grau on
A small section of garden space, nearest the kitchen, is an excellent place for a garden of culinary herbs. This enables the cook to reach out the door and gather up fresh herbs right when they are needed. In one of our gardens, a long-neglected spot by the front door is being transformed into just such a thing.
Planting Bare Root Trees
Posted by David Grau on
It feels like springtime outside in Chico, and we need to remember that it is still winter, and therefore time to plant bare root fruit & nut trees, and berry canes, among other things. This year we ordered our bare root trees from Peaceful Valley Farm Supply.
Planting Onions
Posted by David Grau on
In anticipation of our first real autumn rains, we determined it was time to plant our bare-root onion plants. The bed was prepared with the broadfork to loosen the soil, and a wheel hoe with the cultivator attachment to make a nice, open bed.
Preparing Soil to Plant Onions
Posted by David Grau on
When we prepared the soil for planting the garlic we determined that it was not compacted and we did not broadfork it. We just used the Wheel Hoe to cultivate and furrow the rows. We did use the broadfork on the section of the garden that had David's staked tomatoes though, and we'll be planting onions in a section of that area.