Gardening Tips for March 2018
Now is the time to prepare your garden beds for the spring and summer growing seasons. Here in Chico, like much of California, you can actually garden year round. But let’s say you are either just getting started, or you have let last summer’s garden go to weeds, or better yet you planted a cover crop. Before you can work up your beds with a broadfork or a shovel, or a spading fork, you should chop off the tops of the weeds or cover crop and set the vegetation aside for composting. Depending on the situation, you can use a lawnmower, or cut the green matter with a sickle, or a hedge pruners. Then I would suggest using a wheel hoe on the weeds or crop and removing the plants into a pile for composting. Now that you have bare soil, spread amendments as needed. Then dig the soil to loosen it, and do some incorporation of the amendments. Next week, we will discuss soil testing.